OSHC Students - Allianz Care Australia offers OSHC and OVHC Visitors Plus members a service that allows you to speak to a qualified doctor 24/7 via phone or video call.
26/04/2018 | 7357 Views
OSHCstudents - If you are sick or concerned you may have a health problem, visit a General Practitioner (GP) first.
16/04/2018 | 3411 Views
OSHCstudents - Studying abroad is a life-changing experience, but along with the journey come many speed bumps and headaches. You can never anticipate the issues that may arise while studying abroad...
12/04/2018 | 6190 Views
OSHCstudents - Your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) must cover the full period of your visa. Your student visa can be granted up to the maximum duration outlined as below.
04/04/2018 | 14475 Views
OSHCstudents - International students undertaking formal studies in Australia, and any dependents (e.g. spouses and children under 18), must have OSHC while they remain on a student visa....
30/03/2018 | 7974 Views
All students in Australia who have come from overseas must have a health insurance policy while they are here. It is very important you maintain this health insurance for the whole time you are on a student visa...
25/01/2018 | 3699 Views
OSHCstudents - As an International Student, you need OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) to meet the costs of medical and hospital care that they may need while in Australia. ...
27/10/2017 | 12388 Views
OSHC How to Make a Claim.
Step 1: Access these links to login and select “Make a claim” section.
Step 2: Fill all required information to claim your benefit
13/06/2016 | 3653 Views
Access these links and fill all required information to find a doctor near you. OSHC Allianz Care Australia: https://allianzassistancehealth.com.au/en/find-doctor/
13/06/2016 | 2670 Views
You would like to change your OSHC policy. Upgrade your policy from single OSHC to family OSHC and vice versa...
13/06/2016 | 1420 Views
Find an extra OSHC cover for you
13/06/2016 | 1101 Views