
Doctors Appointments, visits and fees

Doctors Appointments, visits and fees

There are excellent family doctors, who are generally referred to as general practitioners (GPs), throughout Australia. However, there’s a glut of doctors in most cities and...
Hospitals & Clinics Public and private treatment

Hospitals & Clinics Public and private treatment

Most Australian towns have a hospital or clinic, signposted by a sign of a white H on a blue background. Australia’s public hospitals are funded jointly by the federal government...
12 Dos and Don’ts for Homestay Programs

12 Dos and Don’ts for Homestay Programs

Doing a homestay program abroad is a fabulous idea in theory: learn a foreign language, immerse yourself in a different culture, enjoy home-made local cuisine, and even save some money....
Hello Kangaroo

Hello Kangaroo

On afternoon 18 November, event ‘Ready to fly’ was hold for second time in Ho Chi Minh city by Annalink and Australian student services providers including AHM, and ISA. With...
Partnership Party HCM 04.12.2015

Partnership Party HCM 04.12.2015

04th December 2015, Annalink Corporation and OSHCstudents organized the Partnership Party at Liberty hotel in Ho Chi Minh City. The seminar has the participation of over 40 overseas...