If you hold a valid Student visa at the time you apply for the Subclass 485 visa, you will already be covered under an Overseas Student Health Cover policy as a condition of your Student visa requirement. Your existing OSHC is considered acceptable health insurance at the time you lodge your 485 visa application and you should submit evidence of this with your visa application.
13/06/2022 | 1163 Views
Overseas Visitors Health Cover (OVHC) is a form of health insurance which is designed for visitors to Australia who do not have access to Australia's public Medicare system for medical or hospital expenses. OVHC insures against potential expenses you may incur if you require medical or hospital treatment.
10/06/2022 | 761 Views
What is a premium insurance policy? How many insurance policies are there in Australia? Who need these policies? Here are the details.
30/05/2022 | 1133 Views
Trusted by thousands of students around the globe, Flywire is the safest, most convenient way to make international education payments to institutions worldwide.
25/05/2022 | 337 Views
RDA FSC is now accepting OFFSHORE applications for subclass 491. You must have an ROI to apply.
23/05/2022 | 903 Views
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is insurance to help international students with the cost of medical and hospital care in Australia.
20/05/2022 | 840 Views
How you can easily manage your health cover and access OSHC information on your phone at any time of the day, no matter where you are.
16/05/2022 | 550 Views
Are you an international student in Australia , you owned OSHC and want to active, order your membership card online from your insurance provider. Here are the details.
12/05/2022 | 636 Views
For unexpected medical issues, you need to find a health service. You should make the right call to get the right healt care. Please see below contacts
06/05/2022 | 488 Views
To see a specialist, what notes do you have? Here are the belows
02/05/2022 | 481 Views
OSHCstudents – Search our comprehensive database to find GPs (General Practitioners) in your area that meet your specific needs.
Please click the link belows in accordance...
26/04/2022 | 709 Views
The GP ( General Practitioner) plays a central role in the delivery of health care to the Australian community.
19/04/2022 | 224 Views