When you owned OSHC, things you should know:
10/12/2021 | 989 Views
When we talk about health and wellbeing, most of us think of our bodies and physical health. There is no doubt that a healthy body is vital to our wellbeing, but so is how we are feeling emotionally and mentally.
17/11/2021 | 2916 Views
Accessing medical help in Australia may be different from your home country.
09/11/2021 | 772 Views
If you have a life-threatening medical emergency, go to your closest public hospital emergency department or call an ambulance on 000 immediately for help.
04/11/2021 | 1019 Views
A Mental Health Care Plan means you can see a psychologist for six sessions and some of the cost may be covered by your OSHC. After this, if you need more sessions with a psychologist, and you want OSHC to cover some of the costs, you must get a new Mental Health Care Plan from your GP. A Mental Health Care Plan will cover up to 10 sessions with a psychologist over a 12-month period.
25/10/2021 | 650 Views
If you’re not eligible for Medicare, you need an Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) to get your proof of COVID-19 vaccinations online.
22/10/2021 | 2157 Views
Healthdirect Healthmap is an online data visualisation tool designed and managed by Healthdirect Australia. This tool makes Australian health data easily available for population health planning at national and local levels, across different regions, population groups and time periods.
17/09/2021 | 1039 Views
Australians are one step closer towards travelling overseas again after the federal government released details of a digital border pass.
14/09/2021 | 1429 Views
Australian Government has agreements with some countries where visitors can get publicly funded medically necessary care.
07/09/2021 | 2109 Views
OSHCstudents – Outside of Australia’s major cities, access to health services in the after-hours period is difficult. The after hours GP helpline is a safety net health...
30/08/2021 | 988 Views
You can connect with a healthcare professional from your home, from work, or from wherever is most convenient, using your device — smartphone, tablet or desktop computer.
24/08/2021 | 848 Views
The majority of people with COVID-19 in NSW are under 40. To reduce the spread of the virus, people aged 16 to 39 living in areas of concern can now access priority vaccination appointments.
19/08/2021 | 1037 Views