17/04/2018 | 4484 Views
OSHCstudents - So you want to study abroad. Whether you hope to spend a summer or a semester exploring an exciting international city, spend a whole year in a new country, or even...
13/04/2018 | 3844 Views
OSHCstudents - As a study abroad student, managing your money can seem complicated. Actually, as a student regardless of location money management is a daunting task, but inevitably one that has to be faced
11/04/2018 | 2905 Views
OSHCstudents - Deciding if, where, when and how to study abroad is easier than you may think!
06/04/2018 | 3019 Views
OSHCstudents - IT'S a common thing for university students to live with roommates to save on living costs.
02/04/2018 | 5755 Views
OSHCstudents - If you know what tools to use and what to look for, you can save a TON of money on air travel. Check out these tips on how to find super cheap flights for your study abroad semester.
26/03/2018 | 2329 Views
OSHCstudents - Now that you’re in college, you’ve probably tried a ton of new things that you never thought you would have. Some of those things are probably embarrassing and even cringe worthy to think about! But I want you to ask yourself, do you regret doing them?
07/03/2018 | 8091 Views
Impact on 457 Applicants:
If your occupation is removed prior to grant of your 457 application, you are likely to be affected. If you lodge after January 2018 or if your 457 application is still pending when the list changes, you may not be eligible for grant of the 457.
07/03/2018 | 3388 Views
The Department of Immigration has announced that Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) workers may be able to avoid the TSS visa’s tough new restrictions if their visa application is lodged at some point during the next week.
31/08/2016 | 4175 Views
When it comes to post-baccalaureate education, cheap online master’s degree programs are becoming increasingly popular. And traditional accredited state universities and public liberal...