Living & Studying abroad

14 | 04 | 22
Apr | 2022
What is the difference between a practitioner and a specialist?

What is the difference between a practitioner and a specialist?


What is a General Practitioner (GP)?

GPs are usually your first point of contact when you need to get your health condition assessed. They focus on treating the body as a whole, and play a key role in diagnosing, treating and helping you manage your condition. Where necessary, they may refer you to a specialist. Find out more about GPs.


What is a specialist?

A medical specialist is a doctor who has a high level of education and training in a specific area of medicine, for example, a cardiologist specialises in treating heart conditions. Learn more about your specialist options.

You are international students, foreigners arrive to Australia and Australian citizens traveling abroad are looking at OSHC, OVHC, travel insurance, please contact OSHCstudents Team at email: and our partners for further information and assistance.

OSHCstudents (source:Bupa)

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Visa subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) and OSHC

Visa subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) and OSHC

If you hold a valid Student visa at the time you apply for the Subclass 485 visa, you will already be covered under an Overseas Student Health Cover policy as a condition of your Student visa requirement. Your existing OSHC is considered acceptable health insurance at the time you lodge your 485 visa application and you should submit evidence of this with your visa application. 
Using your OSHC in the best way

Using your OSHC in the best way

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is insurance to help international students with the cost of medical and hospital care in Australia.