02/05/2018 | 4956 Views
OSHC Students - What’s one of the worst feelings in the world? The one you get when you realize that your wallet’s been stolen. And another? The feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you see that your iPhone screen cracked. Ugh. The worst.
10/04/2018 | 4057 Views
OSHCstudents - Study in New Zealand- New Zealand has a well-known reputation for providing world-class education. Providing excellent study opportunities, New Zealand offers high-quality services for support to international students.
26/03/2018 | 2329 Views
OSHCstudents - Now that you’re in college, you’ve probably tried a ton of new things that you never thought you would have. Some of those things are probably embarrassing and even cringe worthy to think about! But I want you to ask yourself, do you regret doing them?