30/09/2022 | 416 Views
OSHCstudents - If you are a student, you are required to have an OSHC. If you are going to Australia for work, travel or other purposes, you need to purchase an OVHC.
18/03/2020 | 4806 Views
1. What are the specific treatments or healthcare services under covered for the students?
18/03/2020 | 5920 Views
Does OSHC provide cover for Covid-19?
09/08/2018 | 7945 Views
OSHCstudents - OSHC is Overseas Students Health Care (OSHC) insurance for international students while studying and living in Australia. OSHC is a mandatory condition for student visa application as per visa requirements.
14/05/2018 | 3283 Views
OSHC Students - Arranging health cover before you depart for Australia is an essential component of pre-departure planning. All international students in Australia must have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire period of their stay.
08/05/2018 | 6118 Views
OSHC Students - OSHC (Overseas Student Health Care) is insurance taken out by international students to meet hospital and medical costs while in Australia.