25/07/2018 | 3641 Views
OSHC Students - One of the best and most rewarding things you can do while studying abroad is to make friends with the locals in your city.
29/06/2018 | 2900 Views
OSHC Students - Studying abroad brings great potential for future careers. However, coming out of college and jumping head-on into a competitive job market feels a bit intimidating. Now is the time to create your job search strategy and think about how to best take advantage of your experiences through studying abroad.
08/06/2018 | 2438 Views
OSHC Students - Once you’ve made the decision of studying abroad, you need to prepare for all potential scenarios you may encounter. Sure, there are lots of positive experiences waiting for you, but it’s also easy to find yourself feeling helpless during your new adventure.
11/05/2018 | 3604 Views
OSHC Students - IT'S a tough decision to make: you’re set on a field you’d love to pursue, but do you study in your home country, or do you go abroad?
05/05/2018 | 3026 Views
OSHC Students - So you're leaving to study abroad! You are about to have the time of your life — your friends back home are so jealous — and you are going to do this up right!
02/05/2018 | 4956 Views
OSHC Students - What’s one of the worst feelings in the world? The one you get when you realize that your wallet’s been stolen. And another? The feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you see that your iPhone screen cracked. Ugh. The worst.
24/04/2018 | 2907 Views
OSHCstudents – Studying abroad can be a daunting experience for those who don’t know what to expect. I have travelled to different countries since I was 16 years old, and my...