30 | 09 | 22
Sep | 2022
What type of cover should I purchase?

What type of cover should I purchase?

OSHCstudents – If you are a student, you are required to have an OSHC. If you are going to Australia for work, travel or other purposes, you need to purchase an OVHC.

If you are visiting Australia and hold a temporary visa you should consider taking out Overseas Visitors Health Cover (OVHC). If you need to visit a doctor or stay in hospital while you are here you could find yourself responsible for the full cost of treatment, which can be very expensive.

In some cases you may be required to take health insurance as part of your visa conditions – for example, students are required to take Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). Applicants for working visas, such as subclasses 482 (Temporary Skill Shortage) or 485 (Temporary Graduate), are required to take OVHC that meets certain requirements. Other visitors may also be required to take OVHC.

What type of cover should I purchase?


Visa type Health insurance type
Student visa You are required to hold Overseas Student Health Cover.
Working visa If you are an applicant for a working visa, including subclass 482 and subclass 485, you can purchase Overseas Visitors Health Cover to meet your needs. Make sure you select a policy that meets your visa requirements.
Any visa with condition 8501 You can purchase Overseas Visitors Health Cover to meet your needs. Make sure you select a policy that meets your visa requirements.
Any other visa
  • If you do not have any form of Medicare benefits or you have reciprocal Medicare benefits, you can purchase Overseas Visitors Health Cover from an Australian or international insurer;
  • If you have an interim (usually blue) or full (usually green) Medicare card, you can purchase Australian residents’ private health insurance.

Medicare and visitors

If you are a visitor (but not student – see OSHC) from the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Belgium, Norway, Slovenia, Malta and Italy, you may apply for Medicare benefits under Reciprocal Health Care Agreements with Australia.

With reciprocal Medicare benefits, you may be able to receive immediate necessary medical treatment in the public health system, but are not otherwise entitled to benefits and should still consider taking out OVHC.

If you are a recent migrant to Australia with permanent residency or you have applied for permanent residency, you are generally eligible to apply for interim or full Medicare benefits and gain immediate access to health care services. You can also purchase residents’ private health insurance.

OSHCstudents (source: Privatehealth)

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